martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Importance of water on Earth

We have to protect water because the water is important to our body.If we don´t have water we can die.
People throw trash in water,ground,floor,etc.But people don´t know that if they contuniued trhowing trash in the floor, ground,and water they are helping Earth to help us to die.SO....DON´T THROW TRASH IN ANY PLACE.

Clean water

Vocabulary 1

Bioluminescene: light produced by living organism

Light ray: a straight line beam of light as it travels outward from its source

Law of reflection: the angle of an incoming light ray equals the angle of the reflected ray

Concave mirror: a mirror that curves in on the shiny side

Convex mirror: a mirror that curves out on the shiny side

Vocabulary 2

Opaque: dont letting light to pass trough an object

Transparent: letting all light to pass trough them

Translucent:letting only some light through,so that objects on the other side appear blurry

Polarization: allowing light rays as they pass from one substance into another

Refraction: the bending of light rays as they pass from 1 substances into another

Convex lens: a lens that curves outward is thiker at the edges than at the middle and brings light rays toghether

Concave lens: a lens that curves inward is thiker in the middle than at the edges and brings light rays apart

Vocabulary 3

Prism: a cut piece of clear glass with 2 oppisible sides in the shape of a triangle or other geometric shape

Spectrum: a band of colors produced when light goes through a prism

Primary color: red,green,and blue; mixing these 3 colors can produce all the colors of the spectrum

Primary pigment: magneta,cyan,yellow;material with any of this colors absorbs one primary color of light and reflects the other 2

Vocabulary 4

Electromagnetic: the production of magnetism by electricity and the production ofof electricity by magnets

Electromagnetic spectrum: all the weavelenghts of visible and invisible light in order from short(gamma rays) o long (radio)

Laser: a device that produces a thin stream of light of just a few close weavelenghts

Vocabulary 5

Mass: the amount of matter in an object

Volume: the amount of space an object takes up

Weight: a measure of the force of gravity between earth and an object

Density: a measure of how tigthly packed matter is; the amount of mass contained ia given volume

Buoyancy: the upward push on an object by the liquid or gas the object is placed in

Conduct: allow heat or electricity to flow trough readily

Insulate: not allow heat or elecricity to flow trough readily

Vocabulary 6

Element:a basic building block of matter;a pure substance that cannot be broken down into anything simpler

Compound: a chemical combination of 2 or more elements into a single substance

Atom: tthe smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of the element

Proton: a particle with a positive charge in the nucleus of an atom

Neutron: an uncharged particle in the nucleus of an atom
Electron: a particle with negative charge moving around the nucleus of an atom

Nucleus: the dense center part of an atom

Molecule: a group of  more than one atom joined toghether that acts alike a single particle

Vocabulary 7

State of matter: any of the forms matter can exist in

Melting point:the temperature at wich a solid changes state into a liquid

Boiling point: the temperature at wich a liquid change state into a gas

Freezing point: the temperature at wich a liquid change state into a solid

Vocabulary 8

Mixture: 2 or more parts blended toghether yet keeping their own properties and not turning into a new substance

Solution: a mixture in wich substances are completely blended so that the properties are the same throughout and the substances stay blended
Suspension: a mixture of substance that separate upon standing

Colloid: particles large enough to block out light spread throughout another substance

Emulsion: a liquid spreadtrough another liquid

Aerosol: liquid drops or solid particles spread trough a gas

Gel: a solid spread trough a lliquid

Foam: a gas spread troug a liquid or solid

Vocabulary 9

Physical change: a change in side,shape or state without forming a new substance

Chemical Change: a change in matter that produces a new substances with different properties