domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Album 1-Invisible Light

Visible Light is the only light that we can see, we see it with the colors of the rainbow.And in invisible light we cannot see, that´s why it´s call "Invisible light".

Blue Rays: On the picture you can see blue rays coming out of the sun.

Gamma Rays: A special "gamma camera" detects the rays and produces images of activity in the person's brain.

X rays: Can pass right through most objects.Thicker or denser objects tend to absorb X rays.

Ultraviolet Light: You need ultraviolet light that can produced vitamin D that produced healthy bones and teeth. And also it can cause a disease call CANCER.

Infrared Light: Infrared Light means "just beyond red".

 Microwave: Is a shortwave radio waves.Water in food is absorved microwaves readily.

Radio Wave: Is the longest wave of the elctromagnetic spectrum.Carry signals in codes (AM-FM).